Saturday, May 3, 2008

"Pop" Party

I know I write mostly about my children, but between laundry, cleaning, balancing the check book, cooking and sewing there isn't much entertaining here besides them.

The other day Rae asked me about "pop" party's. I explained that as far as I know there is no such thing as a "pop" party.
Rae- "Well then what do you call the party after someone dies?"
Me- " A funeral."
Rae- "Uh, I know about funerals MOM. What is the party called?"(lots of girl attitude)
Me- "There is no party, just a funeral."
Rae- "Well when someone dies they go to heaven, so why is there no party?"
Me-" umm, I don't know?" I use this answer a lot. No wonder they think they're smarter than me so much of the time.
Later Shane explained why it should be called a "pop" party. Because you die and "POP" you're in heaven. I would be inclined to agree with them if it were not for the fact that those of us left behind are going to miss the person who has "popped", and don't usually feel much like a party. Amazingly at the ages of 6 and 4 they have not yet experienced someone close to them "popping".

According to the dictionary- pop: to go, come, enter, or issue forth suddenly or quickly.


Anonymous said...

Kids just come up with the most amazing things. I like the idea of a Pop party, even though it is difficult for those left behind.

Kati said...

Sometimes kids come up with some pretty profound stuff. We actually had a Pop Party when my grandpa died, 10 yrs ago. This was his request. He wanted us all to party and have a good time to celebrate the good time he'd be having with Jesus!! We had a big crowd, lots of food, a band, dancing. That was what he wanted. I think its what I want too. I know you'll all miss me, :)but there will be NO REASON to mourn for me!!