Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A few weeks ago I posted about "No News". Now I have so much going on I hardly have time to think. We made a trip to Kansas a couple weeks ago. I spent a little over a week there. Shane stayed with me, but Jeremy and Rae came home after just a few days. Jeremy had to get back to work and Rae needed to be back in school. We have very good friends who were willing to help out with Rae in the afternoons and took care of her until Jeremy got off work.

I'm now back in full swing making bean (technically corn) bags for Corn Hole games. It is something I can do here at home so I don't need child care for the children, but I'm still able to bring in a little extra income. Last week about half way through the stack of bags I was sewing up for the week my machine quit working! I ended up having to get my old one out and use it. It works ok, but I'm spoiled. I like all the extra features on my new one and the old one takes me so much longer. The sewing center that works on sewing machines here in Greenville was closed last week. They opened up again today and I took the machine by there. Unfortunately it is not the brand they sell, so they can't order parts for it if something is broken. They are just going to clean and service it. Hopefully that fixes it.

Rae only has 6 more days of Kindergarten left. She is so excited. She wants to stay up late and sleep in every day. She definitely takes after Jeremy and I. I could easily stay up until 1:00 or 2:00 every night. The thing is I want to be able to sleep in until 10:00 the next morning. That doesn't work to well with school. This past fall was a huge adjustment for us. Jeremy is the same way. He likes to stay up late, and if he doesn't need to be up at any particular time the next day can sleep until noon! I usually can't sleep much past 10:30 or 11:00. Shane, poor little bugger , is not like that at all. He is tired by 9:00 and ready to be awake at 8:00 the next morning. He drives the rest of crazy with abundance of morning energy.

Today we finally got the call about our travel to Vietnam to finalize the adoption of our little girl. To read more about that visit our adoption site. You will need a password, so leave a comment with your email address and if/when I find the time I will send it to you.

Life is in full swing and we are loving every minute of it!


Rod and Sara said...

I would love to see pics of your chocolate ice cream cone! Sara D...

Jodi Bradshaw said...

Me too!!! Can you send me the password please??

dwayne and melanie said...

I had the password before, but lost it. Can I have it again. Would love to check in on your travels. Thanks! zotdachs@comcast.net