Friday, April 18, 2008


What a week! We could not have asked for nicer weather. It has been sunny and warm all week long. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but if everything is going to stay this beautiful green color then we will have to endure a few rainy days. The grass has just turned the most beautiful shade of green in the past couple of weeks. It almost needs mowed.

We have a small fish pond in our backyard that Jeremy dug and lined and stocked himself. It has three or four different kinds of plants and several fish. They pretty much have followed God's command to be fruitful and multiply. We put three ordinary goldfish in there a few years ago, and now they are many. They have gotten quite large for goldfish.

Shane absolutely CANNOT stay away from the pond. It's only around two feet deep so I'm not really worried about him drowning, but the water is disgusting. Especially this time of year. It needs emptied and refilled. Earlier this week the children discovered the frog (he's pretty big!) that lives in our pond. They have tried and tried to catch him to no avail. They are constantly scooping buckets full of water out of the pond and making huge mud lakes to play in. All of this behavior is a big no-no, but Shane just can't stop himself. They also love to throw rocks in, the bigger the rock the bigger the splash. The problem with this is that the pond is lined with a rubber mat that can get holes in it if a large enough rock smashes into it, so after 100 (I really don't think I'm exaggerating here) times of telling the kids to stay away from the pond I finally punished Shane yesterday for once again playing in the water. I know, I know that should have happened after the second time of telling him to stay out of the pond, but as a parent that is my biggest fault. I wait until the 100th time and then, " Aahh! I've told you a hundred times to not do that!!" He's probably going to end up with worms or something from playing in it. This morning guess what I found him doing. You guessed it: playing in the pond. This time though he had found a new way to play in the pond. He got out one of the fishing poles (it even had a hook and weight on it) and was fishing very patiently out of the little decorative fish pond we have in our back yard. As soon as I had composed myself from a fit of laughter I called trough the window to him "Shane, I thought I told you NO PLAYING IN THE POND." He turns around and answers "Well Mom, that was yesterday. Today's a different day"


Charity said...

Michelle, that's hilarious about Shane - I can just hear him saying that!

btw, "The Love of God", in my opinion, is one of the best songs ever written. I love that you have it playing on your site.

dwayne and melanie said...

I would love to have the password to Alexis' journal. We are currently waiting for referral of an infant girl. Thank you so much

dwayne and melanie said...

my email is

lyndie said...

that story made us laugh out loud! he's a clever lad. ;P

also, who is singing the hymn? that is david's favorite hymn. we enjoyed hearing it when we opened up your page. :)