Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Should Be Working

But here I am instead playing on the computer. I finally have some bean bags to sew again and I'm in real need of some extra $. Aren't we all !? We finally signed a contract with a realty company to try and sell our house. We spent the evening Monday packing up the last of the upstairs things, and vacuuming. I still want to take a bucket of soapy water to the bathroom and kitchen floors. As clean as I think my kitchen may be, removing big appliances makes it look like I never clean! If this house would just sell it would relieve a lot of our financial strain, so if you are a reader who prays please pray for us that our house sells quickly!

Jeremy is headed out on a medical mission trip the end of this month. He's really starting to get excited, and I'm starting to really wish I was going with him. He had a meeting Tuesday evening with all of the others who are going also and he learned a good bit of what they will be doing. It's in the Dominican Republic so it will be nice and warm. It sounds like they will be very busy, but they will get some free time in the evenings. Jeremy hopes to spend his free time at the beach.

Shane has two more wrestling meets. One this weekend and the last one next weekend at the Nutter Center. He seems to be getting better every time, but he is definitely one of the smallest (38.5 lbs) kids out there. That is not in his favor at this point.:)

Rae... Rae continues to be a wonderful little helper around the house and she is doing really well in school. She brings home lots of papers with 100% right on them. She is only in first grade, but it still amazes me how quickly they learn. We've just started working on getting Shane ready for Kindergarten. I had planned to work on it all winter and here we are at least half way through and I'm just starting. So far he seems to pick things up quick which is good for my patience. I wouldn't make a very good teacher. I have enough trouble teaching everything else that I'm pretty sure all that book learnin' stuff is better left to the experienced teachers at this point.

I made the children chore charts Monday, so far Rae does really well getting hers done. Monday Shane did really well. Tuesday it took some supervision and yesterday was like pulling teeth!! I really dread making him do them today. If he works steadily at them they would take less than an hour, but they took all of the morning and a better part of the afternoon yesterday. I have a feeling today may take clear up until bedtime. I'm determined to teach them the responsibility of working though, and so far I've really let it slide. So at the age of 7 and 5 I actually think they are doing well....... Rae is doing excellent and Shane is doing nothing more than I expected. He's a lazy couch potato and we're going to change that before he gets to set in his ways.

Lexi is a tiny, little, 20 pound, 20 month old, cuddly, stubborn, smiley, get into everything she's not supposed to have gal. What more can I say. She's a very normal almost two year old.

Jeremy's mother is in the hospital again. She has high blood pressure and as far as I know the doctors haven't figured out whats causing it yet. We took her in Sunday for a really bad headache. They ruled out another stroke, but we still don't know fro sure why she's have this spike of high blood pressure.

And now for the good part


Before and After
Fuzzy Foto but Cute Kids


Anonymous said...

Good luck with selling the house! I really need to work on teaching my kids to be more responsible, too; but with everything else I just haven't been consistent with the chore charts.

Charity said...

I noticed Shane's haircut in church yesterday - really cute!

We'll be praying that you sell your house and that Jeremy's trip to the DR is an unforgettable experience . . .

~~anna~~ said...

Not sure how often you check this, but just thought I'd let you know the team arrived w/o any travel problems. Got to spend some time talking to your husband today. Didn't know you were related to our daughter-in-love, Lyndie!

All is going great...we are all going out for pizza tonight. (Fourman's treat!)

in the Dominican Republic