Thursday, January 8, 2009

No Internet! and Some Highlights

Since we moved the first part of September we have been without internet. Actually we had an air card from AT&T for about 6 weeks, but it didn't always work and when it did it was sooOOOoo slow. We also lost our old email address so everything that anyone has sent to that address since September 3 I'll never get.
Today we are spending some extra time at the library so that I can be on the net for a while. Shane is enjoying the children's computers while I hang out at the adult computers. Lexi is on and off my lap and never strays too far. I believe ,by the smell of thing that see just took care of some business. :) There is so much that has happened since we moved, I think it would be easiest to just wright down a few highlights.

* Lexi learned to drink out of a sippy cup. YEA!!
* We finally finished the big room at the back of our house and got the carpet installed. Jeremy got an old wood stove from his brother and it keeps the room very comfortably warm. I have my sewing set up back there the laundry is back there all the kids toys are back there and the computer is back there. (not that we use it that much without internet anyhow) So we have named it the rec room.
* In November we had our firs post placement report done.
* Rae turned 7! She is such a sweet little girl. She of course is human and has her moments, but she has a true love for Jesus and desires to follow him. It makes training her so much easier, because her heart is being led by God. She also lost her fourth tooth the day after Christmas.
* Shane now has his own room and does very well by himself. He is a continual amusement, delight and exasperation to me. He started wrestling in November. He has a long way to go before he's actually good at it, but they say the younger they start the easier it is for them to pick up on it. The training and discipline are good for him too. He's usually wiped out after practice.
* We have adjusted to being a family of five and love it. It was quite an adjustment at first. Mostly for Me and Lexi, but Shane also had some adjusting to do. Lexi is constantly getting into his projects. he enjoys Lego's, tinker toys, coloring and many other thing that include small parts that Lexi is not supposed to have. He ends up playing in his room with the door shut quite a bit. Lexi has gone through a few different stages of bonding, but she seems to be bonding and adjusting in a normal healthy way. One stage she went through she was very clingy and wanted to be held all the time. another stage she would reach for other people to hold her. Sometimes she would even reach for someone else while I was holding her, even strangers. This stage concerned me the most. The most recent stage ( which she is in right now) She prefers me or Jeremy to hold her but will allow a select few others to hold her. She wants to be held when we are in a large crowd or in a new place, but is fine to get down and play on her own when we are at home and there aren't strangers present. In my opinion this is the most healthy stage yet.
* Jeremy installed an insert in the fireplace it keeps the front room warm. We used $500 worth of propane in one month!! So it is a very good thing that we have the fireplace in the front and the wood stove in the back.
* Lexi has just started saying a few things with meaning. She has been babbling for quite a while, but hadn't started "talking" until just here in the past few weeks. She calls me and Jeremy "mom" she says "Uh-Oh!", thank-you "Dae-doo" and peek a boo " baa-boo". She does the motions for peek a boo, waves bye-bye and follows simple commands.

I have a lot of things that need done at home and yet here I am hanging out a the library, but I figured if I didn't start posting again everyone would think I just decide I didn't want to blog any more. Hopefully we are able to figure out some kind of internet solution soon so I can download some pictures.


A said...

It's so great to read a post from you! Tara and I had wondered what happened to you. I'm glad to hear you're family is doing well. I look forward to hearing more from you! Andrea
Waiting for Brodie

Kati said...

Good to have you back on here! Fun to read what's happening with your family.