Saturday, June 28, 2008

And Then They Were Five

We have now been home for one week! We seem to have worked our way into a new schedule and everyone is sleeping through the night. I must say though this is the most scheduled I ever remember being. I decided to go ahead a use a schedule though until Lexi gets adjusted to her new life here. I am not really the type of person who likes so much structure on my time, but for now it is working out beautifully. I'm starting to feel rested!
I have removed the password from our adoption journal now. I feel like since we are now Lexi's legal parents and we are safely back in the US that there is not really a need for the password.
Our days this week have pretty much all gone something like this: wake up around 7-8, Breakfast around 8:30, 2.5-3 hour morning nap starting between 10:30 and 11:00, lunch as soon as Lexi wakes up, play time, afternoon nap starting around 5:00, supper at 7:30, and bedtime is between 9:30 and 10:30. Lexi is a very content and happy baby in the mornings. She crawls around happily entertaining herself and I love it! Afternoons not so much! I have no idea why, but after lunch Lexi is not able to entertain herself. If I sit and hold her or if the children get down on the floor and play with her she's ok, but otherwise she is very fussy in the afternoons. Rae and Shane have so much more to do than just play with baby toys all afternoon. I bought them an 18 inch snap set pool on Tuesday (my first outing with 3 children) and they love it. I can hardly make them come in and entertain Lexi all afternoon and I don't really feel like just sitting all afternoon either. So far we have worked it out where I hold her part of the time, the children play with her part of the time and she crawls around fussing part of the time. Hopefully given time she learns to be as happy in the afternoon as she is in the morning, but that would be perfect and no one is perfect!
Jeremy's parents have a move day set up for the second weekend in July. I'm thinking it will only take us 2-3 weeks to have the old place repainted and re carpeted so that we can move in, so sometime early August we just might actually move into our new place. My plan is to put the girls in one room and Shane in another. That means that my only child who actually knows how to and enjoys sleeping in will get woke up every morning by her baby sister. How unfair! I mean it's summer and she has to go back to school way too soon anyhow! The whole, no more sleeping in again, has me in a tizzy and I want to defend my daughters rights to sleep in too! I may just allow her to sleep with Shane until school starts back up this fall. Or should I say late summer.
Tomorrow we will finally get to go to church again! We only missed three Sundays, but it seems like so much more.
I still haven't touched the pile of mail from while we were gone except to add to it each day! I think between that and the laundry today we may have an extra fussy afternoon here, because I really need to get some things done here and little Missy is just going to have to entertain herself for a little while. Maybe I'll be speedy and get most of it done during her 3 hour morning nap. LOL

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