Friday, May 22, 2009

Isn't Spring Grand!

So much has changed since I last posted on here! Our family is going to grow in number once again this November, Lord willing. It has been confirmed by the Dr. that it will be growing by only one. :) Although by looking at me one might wonder. The Dr.'s real nice he says that's very normal for the third pregnancy. I know the truth of the whole matter though and it's called weak abdominal muscles. I asked Shane what he thought a good name would be for the baby if it is a boy. He answered very matter-of-factly "Monkey Man". So for now I refer to family member #6 as "Monkey Man". Rae couldn't be more excited. She is ready for it to be November right now! I on the other hand am loving that it's still just May. If only this morning sickness would just go away.

Lexi is growing at a very normal and healthy rate. I had her to the Dr. this morning for her two year well child check. Doc says she looks great! She now weighs a whopping 22# and her height to weight ratio is very good. Her hair is getting long, but sure lacks thickness. She takes after Shane. After several times of having his hair all buzzed off it is beginning to thicken now. I'm not planning on going that rout to thicken my daughters hair though.

Now that we are in the country I have my very own big garden for the first time ever. It's fun to watch the plants popping up, but the idea of harvesting in the middle of summer while several months pregnant doesn't sound so fun.

Rae's dog gave birth to four puppies last Saturday. They sure are cute now and the children are really enjoying them. I just hope we can find homes for all of them. They are half coon hound (the neighbors dog) so I'm not sure it will be all that easy to find homes for them. :)

Jeremy's dad is in the hospital this week. He suffered a minor heart attack two weekends ago and the Dr.'s found that his heart was in very bad condition, but due to his otherwise bad health he was not a candidate for surgery. He had gotten some better and been released from the hospital. We went to visit him, all 5 of us and 4 of Joel's together, on Sunday. He seemed to be doing pretty good considering. This past Tuesday evening though he had another heart attack, and at this point the Dr.'s and nurses are just doing what they can to keep him comfortable until he goes to see Jesus. I asked the children last night just how exciting is this for Grandpa that He actually gets to meet Jesus face to face here real soon?! We are all sad thinking of how much we are going to miss him, but Grandpa is so blessed. He has loved the Lord all his life, so meeting Him will be just indescribable.

The children and I are planning a trip to Kansas this summer. We are all looking forward to it so much. Except Lexi who just doesn't understand. Our plans are to be gone for about two weeks.

We now have chickens, but no coup! I'm just really getting into this whole country thing. Big garden, lots of pets, chickens and I even asked Jeremy to put up a clothes line for me! :0 Hopefully he finishes the chicken coup soon; my chickens are just plain outgrowing their tub in the house!

It's 1:00!! I got to go!